Archive for the ‘Specific compliance issues Paradigm 3 can manage’ Category


Tuesday, February 24th, 2009
  • Document procedures using Microsoft Word or Excel and have the responsible person electronically approve. Once approved automatically send a notification with each version change (Action Items) to those who need to know.
  • Use completed Action Items as evidence that the item have been read
  • Assign staff to roles as writers, reviewers and approvers etc.
  • Insert roles into the document to automatically update when job title changes.
  • Use document control insert fields within the document to automatically update as changes occur – item name changes, approver’s name, version, version date and many more.
  • Set review schedules and assign staff to a role for automatic review notifications.
  • Set Action Item reminders for a role to perform a task described in the procedure.
  • Electronically manage procedure amendments with the ability to collaborate with others.
  • Maintain versioning and history in accordance with international document control standards.
  • Link (Para-Link®) procedures to associated documentation like eforms, records, registers, plans or folders etc. Links are maintained even when items are renamed or moved.
  • Automatically maintain all relevant history for audit traceability.
  • Plus many more standard features included in Paradigm 3.

To manage procedures, you can purchase the Document Module.


Tuesday, February 24th, 2009
  • Prepare planning documents for projects, products or services using Microsoft Word or Excel or Microsoft Project. Distribute for collaboration or review and have the responsible planner electronically approve final version. Once approved automatically send a notification with each version change (Action Items) to those who need to know.
  • Use completed Action Items as evidence that the item have been read.
  • Extract text from the plans and convert them to notifications (Action Items) which must be completed by recipients.
  • Action Item recipients have a direct link to the planning documentation and record action taken with automatic date and time stamped when completed.
  • Assign staff to roles as writers, reviewers and approvers etc.
  • Insert roles into the document to automatically update when job title changes.
  • Use document control insert fields within the document to automatically update as changes occur – item name changes, approver’s name, version, version date and many more.
  • Set review schedule and assign staff to a role for automatic review notifications.
  • Set Action Item reminders for a role to perform a task described in the plan.
  • Electronically manage plan amendments with the ability to collaborate with others.
  • Maintain versioning with history in accordance with international document control standards.
  • Link (Para-Link®) plans to associated documentation like sub-plans, gap analysis, reports, charts or forms, etc. Links are maintained even when items are renamed or moved.
  • Automatically maintain all relevant history for audit traceability.
  • Plus many more standard features included in Paradigm 3.

To manage planning, you can purchase the Document Module.

Projects (Lean 6 Sigma and others)

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009
  • Prepare project documents using Microsoft Word or Excel. Distribute for collaboration or review and have the responsible manager electronically approve final version. Once approved automatically send a notification with each version change (Action Items) to those who need to know.
  • Use completed Action Items as evidence that the item has been read.
    Extract text from the projects and convert them to notifications (Action Items) which must be completed by recipients. Assign staff to responsibility and completion date.
  • Action Item recipients have a direct link to the project documentation and record action taken with automatic date and time stamped when completed.
  • Assign staff to roles as project writers, managers, reviewers and approvers, etc.
  • Import and manage versioning on associated documentation (drawings plans, specifications reports).
  • Use document control insert fields within the document to automatically update as changes occur:-item name changes, approvers name, version, version date and many more.
  • Set review schedule and assign staff to a role for automatic review notifications.
  • Set Action Item reminders for a role to perform a task described in the project.
  • Electronically manage project amendments with the ability to collaborate with others.
  • Maintain versioning with history in accordance with international document control standards.
  • Link (Para-Link®) projects to associated documentation such as, drawings plans, specifications reports) etc. Links are maintained even when items are renamed or moved.
  • Automatically maintain all relevant history for audit traceability.
  • Plus many more standard features included in Paradigm 3.

To manage projects, you can purchase the Document Module.

Instructions (SOPs, work instructions)

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009
  • Document instructions using Microsoft Word and have the responsible person electronically approve. Once approved automatically send a notification with each version change (Action Items) to those who need to know.
  • Use completed Action Items as evidence that the item has been read.
  • Assign staff to roles as instruction writers, reviewers and approvers etc.
  • Insert roles into the document to automatically update when job title changes.
  • Use document control insert fields within the document to automatically update as changes occur:  item name changes, approver’s name, version, version date and many more.
  • Set review schedule and assign staff to a role for automatic review notifications.
  • Set Action Item reminders for a role to perform a task described in the instruction.
  • Electronically manage procedure amendments with the ability to collaborate with others.
  • Maintain versioning with history in accordance with international document control standards.
  • Link (Para-Link®) instructions to associated documentation like forms, records, improvements, e-plans or folders etc.  Links are maintained even when items are renamed or moved.
  • Automatically maintain all relevant history for audit traceability.
  • Plus many more standard features included in Paradigm 3.

To manage instructions and e-forms, purchase the Document Module.

Also consider purchasing the Records Module to manage database style forms if data reporting and data manipulation is necessary.

Human resources documentation

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009
  • Document HR policies, manuals, procedures, using Microsoft Word and have the responsible person electronically approve. Once approved automatically send a notification with each version change (Action Items) to those who need to know.
  • Use completed Action Items as evidence that the item have been read.
  • Assign staff to roles as writers, reviewers and approvers etc.
  • Insert roles into the document to automatically update when job title changes.
  • Use document control insert fields within the document to automatically update as changes occur:- item name changes, approver’s name, version, version date and many more.
  • Set review schedule and assign staff to a role for automatic review notifications.
  • Electronically manage HR documentation amendments with the ability to collaborate with others.
  • Maintain versioning with history in accordance with international document control standards
  • Crosslink (Para-Link®) HR policies to associated documentation like procedures, plans or folders etc. Links are maintained even when items are renamed or moved.
  • Automatically maintain all relevant history for audit traceability.
  • Plus many more standard features included in Paradigm 3.

To manage human resources management documentation, you can purchase the Document Module.

Competences, awareness and training

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009
  • Maintain a training register of staff qualifications, experience, licences, external & internal training.
  • Link training records against documentation.
  • Set reminder schedule and assign staff to a role for automatic training or re-training notifications.
  • Assign staff to roles for trainers & trainees.
  • Maintain versioning with history in accordance with international document control standards
  • Link (Para-Link®) training records to certificates and job descriptions. Links are maintained even when items are renamed or moved.
  • Automatically maintain all relevant history for audit traceability.
  • Plus many more standard features included in Paradigm 3.

To manage training records, you can purchase the Training Module.

Supplier selection, evaluation and re-evaluation programs

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009
  • Record supplier assessments or audits using a template form designed in Microsoft Word or Excel. Check out electronic copies to work off line at the supplier premises. When completed, check in and approve.
  • Set re-survey or follow up audit schedules.
  • Use the approval process to automatically issue notifications (Action Items) to assessors/audit interested parties.
  • Use completed Action Items as evidence that the approved assessment or audit has been read.
  • Assign staff to roles as auditors/assessors, reviewers and approvers etc.
  • Maintain versioning with history in accordance with international document control standards.
  • Maintain an approved supplier register and issue automatic notifications when supplier status changes.
  • Link (Para-Link®) assessments/audits to supplier register for full history. Links are maintained even when items are renamed or moved.
  • Automatically maintain all relevant history for audit traceability.
  • Attach images/reports/emails to a specific supplier in the supplier register
  • Plus many more standard features included in Paradigm 3.

To manage supplier assessments/audits, purchase the Document Module.

In addition, you can purchase the Records Module if you need to manage an approved supplier register.

Equipment maintenance

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009
  • Categorise equipment by department or process.
  • Register each item with photograph and key information as attachments.
  • Assign staff to roles of who is accountable for each maintenance task.
  • Set multiple schedules per equipment to notify (Action Item) key personnel to conduct maintenance.
  • Notifications link directly to the equipment register for data entry and reference
  • Document maintenance evidence either in the Action Items for full history or dirctly the maintenance record.
  • Link (Para-Link®) equipment to relevant current documentation such as maintenance instructions and manuals.
  • Control security on registers for viewing, updating, printing etc.
  • Maintain activity history.
  • Track record versions for each item.
  • Plus many more standard features with Paradigm 3.

To manage equipment maintenance and attach equipment photo’s, instructions and manuals, purchase the Records Module.

In addition, you can purchase the Document Module if you need to version control maintenance instructions and equipment manuals, etc.

Instrument calibration

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009
  • Categorise instruments by department laboratory or process.
  • Register each item with photograph and key information as attachments.
  • Assign staff to roles of who is accountable for each calibration task.
  • Set multiple schedules per instrument to notify (Action Item) key personnel to conduct calibration.
  • Notifications link directly to the instrument register for data entry and reference.
  • Maintain calibration evidence either in the Action Items for full history or within the register.
  • Link (Para-Link®) instrument to relevant current documentation such as calibration instructions or reports.
  • Control security on registers for viewing, updating, printing, etc.
  • Maintain activity history.
  • Track register versions for each item.
  • Plus many more standard features with Paradigm 3.

To manage instrument calibration and attach instrument photo’s, instructions and manuals, purchase the Records Module.

In addition, you can purchase the Document Module if you need version control of instructions and laboratory manuals, etc.

Compliance management system documentation

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009
  • Document management policies, manuals, procedures, using Microsoft Word and have the responsible person electronically approve. Once approved automatically send a notification with each version change (Action Item) to those who need to know.
  • Use completed Action Items as evidence that the item have been read.
  • Assign staff to roles as writers, reviewers and approvers etc.
  • Insert roles into the document to automatically update when job title changes.
  • Use document control insert fields within the document to automatically update as changes occur:- item name changes, approver’s name, version, version date and many more.
  • Set review schedule and assign staff to a role for automatic review notifications.
  • Electronically manage documentation amendments with the ability to collaborate with others.
  • Maintain versioning with history in accordance with international document control standards.
  • Crosslink (Para-Link®) management documents to associated documentation such as procedures, plans or folders etc. Links are maintained even when items are renamed or moved.
  • Automatically maintain all relevant history for audit traceability.
  • Plus many more standard features included in Paradigm 3.

To manage system documentation, you can purchase the Document Module.

Australian National Gold Award winner 2005, 2006, 2007 & Hall of Fame