Archive for the ‘Training Records Paradigm 3 can manage’ Category

Qualifications, Inductions, Licence, Skills and Courses (click for image)

Thursday, August 11th, 2011

What Paradigm 3 can do is … record staff qualifications, induction programs, licences, in-house skills and external courses.  A training record is created from a Definition which may have multiple Requirements.  As Requirements are achieved, you can track their progress, and when all Requirements are completed, the record becomes complete.

Attach certificates, reports or assessments to a Requirement as evidence.  Build saved Reports to quickly list key information such as a list of all approved fork lift license drivers. Set Schedules for license renewals or induction training refreshers.

Requirements can be linked to versions of documents so records of staff training against work instructions or SOP’s can be monitored and managed.  As documents are versioned, automatically notify staff of re-training requirements.

To keep track of staff qualifications, induction training and licences, you can purchase the Training Module.

Gap Analysis Software (click for image)

Thursday, August 11th, 2011

What Paradigm 3 can do is … compare the training requirements of a Job Title (Position Description) to a person’s training records. The analysis lists completed and incomplete requirements.

To conduct Training Gap Analysis, you can purchase the Training Module.

Skills Report (Matrix)

Thursday, August 11th, 2011

What Paradigm 3 can do is … build skills reports for a person or multiple people.  By selecting a Job Title, and opening the Training Analysis option, staff training records are compared to the Requirements.

To manage dynamic real time skills report, you can purchase the Training Module.

Training Requirements

Thursday, August 11th, 2011

What Paradigm 3 can do is … create a definitive list or library of all types of training applicable to your organization. These are called Definitions and Requirements. A Training Definition may have up to 30 or more Requirements.

To manage and track staff training requirements, you can purchase the Training Module.

Australian National Gold Award winner 2005, 2006, 2007 & Hall of Fame