- Record supplier assessments or audits using a template form designed in Microsoft Word or Excel. Check out electronic copies to work off line at the supplier premises. When completed, check in and approve.
- Set re-survey or follow up audit schedules.
- Use the approval process to automatically issue notifications (Action Items) to assessors/audit interested parties.
- Use completed Action Items as evidence that the approved assessment or audit has been read.
- Assign staff to roles as auditors/assessors, reviewers and approvers etc.
- Maintain versioning with history in accordance with international document control standards.
- Maintain an approved supplier register and issue automatic notifications when supplier status changes.
- Link (Para-Link®) assessments/audits to supplier register for full history. Links are maintained even when items are renamed or moved.
- Automatically maintain all relevant history for audit traceability.
- Attach images/reports/emails to a specific supplier in the supplier register
- Plus many more standard features included in Paradigm 3.
To manage supplier assessments/audits, purchase the Document Module.
In addition, you can purchase the Records Module if you need to manage an approved supplier register.